Arunachal: DC Urges to Ensure Uninterrupted Supply of Essential Items    


Deputy Commissioner Mito Dirchi conducted a meeting to ensure that there are no impediments to the supply of essential commodities in Shi Yomi district on Saturday.

In the meeting, various aspects of food and civil supply matters like the irregular supply of ration items in the district including that of PMGKAY rice, streamlining of the issuance of ration cards, profit margin of the FPS owners, effective and timely transportation of ration items in the district was discussed thoroughly.

All the queries put forth by the PRI members, GBs and the general public were explained by the concerned authorities.

DFCSO MInli Tato outlined the objective behind meetings and activities being carried out to streamline the PDS system in the district.

Sadung Gyadu, ADC Monigong, Habung Moda i/c EAC Tato, ZPC, ZPM and Tato, DFCSO, GBs, PRI members, FPS owners and the general public were present in the meeting. 

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