Arunachal Pradesh has sought 50,000 doses of COVID vaccines to Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan over telephone to consider the communication hazard of the geographically vast state.
As disclosed by National Health Mission (NHM) nodal officer Dr Dimand Padung in his address to state health task force (SHTF) meeting in health directorate, state chief secretary Naresh Kumar also spoke to union H&FW secretary Rajesh Bhushan after sending formal requisition for the vaccines sought.
Informing that more and more people are coming for vaccination across the state except in few districts, Dr Padung said that average daily vaccinations stood at 4,859 while total 1,85,062 people (1,43,048 fist dose and 42.014 second dose) have been inoculated till Monday.
However, present stock would last only for one week. Large doses of vaccines are available only in a few districts, like Lower Siang and West Siang, due to less vaccination.