Arunachal: Health Dept Vaccinates People from Remotest village in Tawang 

In order to protect the citizens from COVID -19 infection, a team of health workers led by DRCHO Tawang Dr. Rinchin Reema vaccinated 23 villagers of Luguthang at Domtsang in Tawang District near the Indo-China border.

They were administered Covid19 vaccine  by the District Administration and Health department on May 30. It took two days to reach Luguthang village which houses only 10 families.

Present in the vaccination cum awareness drive were Zilla Parishad Chairperson of Tawang District Leki Gombu, ADC Jang RD Thungon along with medical staff from Jang CHC and Pemtan Monpa EAC Thingbu Circle.

ADC RD Thungon also disbursed relief materials to the Yak grazers of Luguthang village who lost livestock due to heavy snowfall during this winter. ZPC Leki Gombu also distributed Rs 2000 from his side to each family & grazers.