Arunachal Pradesh Gaon Buras Association calls for review of Residential Proof Certificates

The All Arunachal Pradesh Gaon Buras and Gaon Buris Welfare Association (AAPGBGBWA) has urgently appealed to the state’s chief secretary, seeking the cancellation and nullification of residential proof certificates (RPCs) issued to non-Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribes (APSTs) within the last three months by the state’s Gaon Buras.

In a memorandum presented to the chief secretary, the association raised concerns about several non-APST candidates who had allegedly misled certain Gaon Buras within the state to fraudulently obtain residential proof certificates. These certificates were sought in an attempt to become eligible for the position of gramin dak sevak.

The AAPGBGBWA pointed out that “some GBs have ignorantly issued them proof of residence certificates.” This fraudulent procurement of certificates has sparked tensions among the local indigenous unemployed youth and has led to confrontations and verbal disputes between APST and non-APST aspirants.

To address this issue, the AAPGBGBWA has called upon the chief secretary to issue an order for all Gaon Buras in the region to conduct a thorough review of the residential proof certificates issued in the past three months to non-APST applicants. Additionally, they have urged the chief secretary to halt any further issuance of certificates until the matter is investigated and resolved.

In parallel, several organizations, including the Indigenous Movement Against Corruption & Reformation (IMACR), the Arunachal Indigenous People’s Forum, and the All Arunachal Pradesh RTI Youth Association, have also written to the chief secretary, demanding the revocation of residential proof certificates issued to non-APST individuals.