A’chal CM Pema Khandu’s commitment to sustainable development & civil society engagement

In a recent statement, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu expressed his government’s unwavering commitment to fostering an environment of public partnership and communication. Speaking at the inaugural session of the C20 summit, Khandu emphasized the significant value that civil society groups bring to the table through their expertise, local knowledge, and community-driven initiatives. He applauded the C20 summit as an exceptional platform for dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among civil society organizations worldwide, with the goal of promoting social and economic development.

India’s Shared Global Future

Chief Minister Khandu began his address by celebrating the nine years of service, good governance, and welfare of the poor under the exceptional leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He underscored India’s mission to bring about a shared global future for all, emphasizing the country’s commitment to inclusive growth and sustainable development. Arunachal Pradesh, in particular, has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years, and Khandu acknowledged that this unparalleled advancement is largely credited to the efforts of civil society organizations.

Engaging with Civil Society Organizations in Arunachal Pradesh

Khandu highlighted the unique form of engagement that the Arunachal Pradesh government maintains with civil society organizations, particularly through the active involvement of community-based organizations (CBOs). The state government ensures that the voices of these CBOs are not only heard but embraced with utmost respect and consideration during the preparation of the annual state budget. This participatory approach ensures that the concerns and aspirations of the local communities are adequately addressed, leading to more inclusive and sustainable development.

In a significant development, the state government held an interactive session with CBOs on April 12, resulting in the signing of a 21-point vision document. This document serves as a roadmap for collaborative action between the government and civil society organizations, further reinforcing their commitment to driving the growth and progress of Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover, in a historic meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally interacted with members of the CBOs, igniting a renewed passion and deepening the collective resolve to position Arunachal Pradesh as a robust growth engine.

The Civil20 Summit: A Global Platform for Collaboration

The Civil20 (C20) summit, currently taking place at Namsai, has attracted delegates from 23 countries, including Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and the United States. This event serves as one of the official engagement groups of the G20, providing a crucial platform for civil society organizations to voice the aspirations of the people they represent. The summit aims to initiate extensive dialogue and engagement among civil society organizations, policymakers, and various government and non-government agencies.

The theme of this year’s summit, “Diversity, Inclusion, and Mutual Respect,” underscores the importance of embracing different perspectives, fostering inclusivity, and promoting mutual respect in the pursuit of sustainable development. The event has been organized by the Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari in collaboration with the Arunachal Pradesh government, further highlighting the government’s commitment to supporting civil society engagement on a global scale.