Arunachal: Sudden Rise in Water Level of Siang River Causes Massive Erosion


Torrential rains in the last few days have produced a dramatic rise in the water level of the Siang river and its tributaries, causing severe erosion along the river’s left bank in Lower Mebo in East Siang district. 

The villages that are affected by the sudden spate in water level are Borguli, Seram, Kongkul, Namsing Gadum, and Mer.

Local MLA Lombo Tayeng along with Mebo ADC A Koyu, DDMO Ganden Tsomu and officers of the WRD, the PWD and the PHED visited the affected areas and took stock of the situation.

According to the MLA, the unprecedented heavy rainfall caused massive erosion and damage to fertile agricultural land as well as flooding of low-lying areas and infrastructures. “The rising water level of the Siang river is posing a serious threat to the entire rural areas of Mebo subdivision,” he said.

A girls’ hostel of the Borguli higher secondary school was washed away by the river, while the Borguli Youth Festival ground was also eroded. Presently, massive land erosion is also occurring in Sigar and Borguli villages.

“Altogether 10 villages with a population of 15,000 were badly affected,” informed the MLA, adding that power supply and water pipelines were also badly damaged.

Tayeng directed the PWD to construct an alternative road in Sigar on a war footing as the river is nearing the existing road. As per his instruction, excavators and dumpers were immediately pressed into service and more will be deployed on Wednesday for immediate completion of the alternative road in Sigar.

The MLA has also been distributing roofing materials from his MLALAD fund to the people who have shifted to safer locations. He further directed the officers concerned to restore power supply, infrastructure and water pipelines soon after the completion of the alternative road.