Arunachal: WSU Holds Contractor Responsible for Drowning of Children


The Wancho Students’ Union (WSU) holds the highway construction company and the contractor concerned solely responsible for the drowning of three children in Longo village in Tirap district on 9 October.

The children died in a tragic incident after Drowning into a deep, flooded pit dug by SKS Infra Projects Ltd for the construction of a culvert in the Longo village.

The WSU alleged that the incident occurred due to “utter negligence and irresponsibility on the part of the executing agency and the contractor concerned.” It said the incident could have been avoided had proper safety precautions been taken, considering that the road passes through a populated residential area/village.

“They had been carrying out the construction works irresponsibly by flouting the safety norms/protocols of the National Highways Authority of India and the agreement, which resulted in the loss of three innocent lives,” the union alleged.

Members of the WSU also visited the victims’ families in and consoled them. They requested the authorities concerned to provide compensation to the affected families as per the government norms.

Meanwhile, the union demanded that the competent authority take immediate action against the executing company.

Courtesy: AT

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