Assam: Forest Department requests to protect unique bird species

People began to gather in huge numbers in the backyard of one Deepak Mahanta’s house in No.1 Hatigarh Lankadweep hamlet near Kakapather under Doomdooma Revenue Circle in Tinsukia District after an inquisitive girl’s video of a peculiar appearing bird went popular on social media.

Mahanta said he had seen the bird there a few weeks previously. Strangely enough, the bird flew away at night, probably in pursuit of its meal, but returned the next morning to the same location. When he notified his neighbours about the bird, they flocked to the area in droves, even some from neighbouring Arunachal Pradesh. But no one could place it.

When a team of forest department personnel inspected the location, the bird was recognised as a Great Eared Nightjar. Of course, the Ornithologists had yet to corroborate it. This type of bird is usually found in South India. Despite the fact that Assam was also its native home, the forest officials predicted that it would become extinct.