Assam: Lakhimpur PWD Officials Caught Playing ‘Ludo’ During Office Hours

Can those who get monthly paychecks on time with job security comprehend this harsh reality at a time when the majority of people work hard to make a livelihood and others have lost their employment owing to the ongoing pandemic? Unlike government personnel, most people’s lives are now in jeopardy.

However, you may be shocked to learn that not all Assam government personnel have absorbed the spirit of work culture. Instead, they are wasting official time by having a good time.

The PWD office in Lakhimpur has seen such disregard for their responsibilities by a group of government personnel. Some personnel from the office’s mechanical division have been discovered playing Ludo during their working hours.

A junior engineer allegedly joined forces with other colleagues to waste their working hours. Some authorities have stated that they were not given any tasks to do.