The Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) on Sunday released its third candidate list that contained 13 names, including Minister Phani Bhushan Choudhury and Bhojpuri singer Kalpana Patowary, for the assembly polls in the state. AGP is an alliance partner of the ruling BJP-led combine in Assam.
The list announced by the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) General Secretary Ramendra Narayan Kalita listed names of three sitting MLA for the third and last phase of polling on April 6.
Phani Bhushan Choudhury will contest from Bongaigaon. The other sitting MLAs are Kalita himself who will compete from Guwahati West and Gunindra Nath Das will compete from Barpeta constituency.
AGP general secretary said, Patowary has been fielded from the Sarukhetri seat.
The party has selected former minister Kamalakanta Kalita (Chaygaon), Bhupen Rai (Abhayapuri North), Javed Islam (Mankachar), Purnendu Banikya (Abhayapuri South), Jyotish Das (Goalpara East), Shaikh Shah Alam (Goalpara West), Ranjit Deka (BHabanipur), Rabiul Hussain (Chenga) and Jyoti Prasad Das (Boko).
Previously, two lists were released by AGP that contained a total of 14 names for the first and second phase of polling on March 27 and April 1 respectively.
For the upcoming polls BJP formed an alliance with the AGP and United People’s Party Liberal (UPPL). Currently the party has 13 MLAs in the 126-member assembly.