Debt-ridden in Lakhimpur; BJP politician commits suicide

According to authorities, a debt-ridden BJP politician in Assam committed himself owing to a large financial load, since his pending payments from the government for various contractual and supply activities were not issued.

Mithuranjan Das, a district-level BJP official in eastern Assam, reportedly committed himself on Monday at his house in Lakhimpur district, according to police.

“The dead had detailed his economic difficulties in his three-page suicide letter, stating that he borrowed money as a loan from various persons to carry out various contractual and supply operations for the government.”

“The suicide note blamed the Assam government and stated that thousands of rupees were owed to him in connection with the works he completed over the last year,” a police officer said. Das also supplied meals to the Covid care centres for which he was allegedly not paid on time. Payments for a number of big projects carried out by the BJP leader-turned-contractor remained unpaid, according to the police, who cited his family members. (IANS)