Assam: BJP MLA Files FIR against Telangana CM over Surgical Strike remarks

Diganta Kalita

Diganta Kalita, a BJP MLA from Assam, has filed a FIR against Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao for his remarks about the Indian Army’s surgical strikes in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) in September 2019.

“Today I lodged FIR against Telangana Chief Minister at Kamalpur police station. He is raising questions on the sovereignty of the country. He is doubting and questioning Army. He is demanding proof of surgical strike. I condemn his statement. Stringent legal action should be taken,” Kalita told ANI.

The surgical strikes were carried out by the Indian Army in retaliation for the attack on the Uri base, which killed 19 army personnel.

Earlier on Sunday, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao had sought proof from the Central government over surgical strikes carried out in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) in September 2016.

“Even today, I am asking for the proof. Let the government of India show (the proof). The BJP makes false propaganda that is why people are asking for it. The BJP is using surgical strikes politically.

The Army is fighting at the border. If anyone is dying, it’s Army personnel, and they should be given credit for it, not BJP,” said Rao.

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