In a shocking and heartbreaking incident, a young girl hailing from Manipur was discovered lifeless in her rented accommodation in Guwahati’s Rupnagar area on July 23. The initial reports suggest that she was found hanging from the ceiling fan, and it was her boyfriend, who was temporarily staying with her, who brought her down.
As the news of this tragic event emerged, suspicion fell on the girl’s boyfriend, who was also present in the room at the time of the incident. The landlord of the rented accommodation claimed that the couple had returned home after a dinner outing around 8.30 pm. The girl had mentioned that she had already eaten with her boyfriend and wanted to rest. However, in a shocking turn of events, late at night, the boy rang the doorbell frantically, revealing the devastating news of the girl’s apparent suicide by hanging.
Authorities wasted no time in launching a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the girl’s untimely demise. The Officer-in-Charge of Bhangagarh Police Station shared that the body was sent for post-mortem, and they were not ruling out the possibility of foul play. The boyfriend, identified as an Assamese resident from Lakhimpur, came under the police’s scrutiny as they delved deeper into the case.
The landlord’s testimony added further intrigue to the already baffling case. The fact that the girl had already had dinner with her boyfriend and then opted to rest seemed ordinary until the boy’s unexpected return to the door. The landlord’s questioning revealed that no unusual sounds were heard from the room after the couple entered it. The sudden turn of events left everyone in shock and disbelief.
The news of the girl’s death sent shockwaves not only through the neighborhood but also to her loved ones back in Manipur. Friends and family were left grieving the loss of a young life filled with promise and potential. The sorrowful news of the girl’s demise spread rapidly through social media, with many expressing their condolences and demanding a swift and thorough investigation to uncover the truth.
As the investigation progresses, the police are working tirelessly to piece together the events leading up to the tragic incident. The post-mortem report will likely play a crucial role in determining the actual cause of the girl’s death. The grieving family and concerned citizens are hoping that justice will be served, and if any foul play is discovered, those responsible will be brought to account.