For finding a permanent solution for the Naga political issue, the demand for a separate Naga flag and constitution (Yehzabo) needs to be a part of the ongoing talks, stated the National Socialist Council of Nagaland – Isak Muivah (NSCN-IM) on Friday.
Over the two key demands of the NSCN-IM, the Centre was engaged in extended consideration which was delaying the negotiations.
NSCN-IM in a statement said, “There is no scope provided to have separate talk on Naga flag and constitution. By having separate talk on flag and constitution, GoI is sending a wrong signal that is not in sync with the Framework Agreement.”
The framework agreement embraces the Naga flag and constitution which was signed between the group and the government of India in 2015. The NSCN-IM stated that the Centre should not step back from the agreement by changing the form of what has been agreed upon.
Under the given situation where the focus of the talks is now mainly on Naga flag and constitution,
The organization in its statement said, given the situation where focus is on Naga Flag and constitution, it was critical to dwell deeper into the framework agreement.
In a statement that read, “With this arrangement, we are confident that it will provide for an enduring inclusive new relationship of peaceful coexistence of the two entities”.
The Framework Agreement needs to be understood that it speaks of the history of Naga people and their sovereign independence identity embraces the flag and the constitution, said NSCN-IM.