Nagaland: Endorsement of Framework Agreement signed between the Government of India and NSCN(IM)

The Framework Agreement signed between the government of India and NSCN(IM) on August 3,2015 was endorsed by The National Socialist Women Organisation of Nagalim (NSWON), Sumi region on Tuesday..

The NSWON, the women organisation of NSCN(IM), adopted a three-point resolution at a consultative meeting in Dimapur on Tuesday.

It said recognition of the unique history of the Nagas, acknowledgment of the universal principle of democracy that sovereignty lies with the people, the shared sovereignty and peaceful coexistence of the two entities, unequivocally stated the components of the Naga flag and constitution as an integral part of solution to the Naga issue.

NSWON chairperson Kahuli S Chishi said in a release after the meeting.

According to the organisation, over 3.5 lakh Nagas laid down their lives for the secret cause of the Nagas in the course of several decades of the Indo-Naga conflict.

In a statement issued by NSWON chairperson Kahuli S Chishi the organisation said the Nagas across the length and breadth of Nagalim equally bore the heavy burden of untold sufferings and humiliations.

“The alien aggression on our land and people has resulted in hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans, the Sum community too is not an exception,” the NSWON said.

The organisation added that it is extremely unfortunate on the part of some groups of “our people” who are preparing for sale out arrangements for financial package and under the Indian Constitution in exchange for the historical and the political rights of the Nagas.

It condemned such groups of people for their irresponsible act while reaffirming to commit and stand firm for the Naga national rights to the end.

The meeting was attended by the convener of the steering committee of NSCN, Hutovi Chishi Swu and the convener of the ceasefire monitoring cell, Kihoi Swu.