Nagaland: NSCN(R) leaders work out their differences amicably

NSCN(R) leaders work out their differences amicably

NSCN (R) president Wangtin Naga, vice president Akato Chopi, and ato kilonser P. Tikhak have categorically stated that the “misunderstanding within the group has been amicably resolved,” putting all speculations to rest about reports of a split within the group.

The three NSCN (R) leaders expressed regret in a joint statement issued through the WC, NNPG’s media cell, that a minor internal party issue had been blown out of proportion and exposed in the public domain.

They said the misunderstanding was amicably resolved and put to rest following the timely intervention of WC, NNPGs convener N. Kitovi Zhimomi, and other NNPG leaders, keeping in mind the interest of the Nagas as a whole and the inevitable political solution.

It went on to say that reports in various media “indicating a split within the NSCN (R) remain nullified and lack credibility.”

The three NSCN (R) leaders agreed to work together again, this time with due consultation, and to continue to strengthen the NNPGs until the final goal is achieved.

Observing that some elements had been instigating the collective leaders for vested interests, the NSCN (R) leaders warned such elements to stop their nefarious and divisive activities immediately.