Sikkim : Blanket ban on Diwali firecrackers

A blanket ban is made on sale and use of firecrackers during this Diwali in Sikkim. Sikkim became the first state from Northeast to take this step.

Showing concern about air pollution that hampers the environment every year during Diwali, the Chief Secretary of Sikkim,S C Gupta under section 522 (2) (h) Disaster Management Act 2005 issued the order  of banning fire crackers in the state.

The order issues read, “Significant numbers of COVID-19 patients have recovered. But the increase in air pollution on burning crackers may prove hazardous for the recovered as well as active COVID-19 patients”.

To ensure zero sale of firecrackers in the Himalayan state, the district magistrates and superintendent of police is asked to take up the responsibility.

The notification issued by the chief secretary said, Untill further orders, bursting of fire crackers will remain banned.

To maintain the air quality, Sikkim has been banning the use and sale of firecrackers since 2014.

The ban on the use of firecrackers will be taken seriously by the district magistrates of all the districts in the state because of the ongoing pandemic situation.