Sikkim : Khaling tells Chamling to wait for corruption cases

Former Chief Minister Pawan Chamling could face law at an appropriate time, said SKM spokesperson Jacob Khaling on Monday.

Chamling asked the SKM government to jail him if they find corruption cases against him.

The SKM spokesperson said, “It is not he (Chamling) who was speaking; it was the politics of revenge that lies inside him which was speaking. Law and its agencies have their own course of action. We request him (Chamling) not to be overexcited at the moment (regarding corruption cases). Those days may not be very far away”.

“We want to take action against him based on original documents and for this, time is required and that time will come. Till then, we ask him not to be overexcited,” said Khaling.

Chamling claimed himself to be the poorest ex-Chief Minister in the interview.

On this, Khaling said: “The statement shows that Chamling has not changed his character even now. When he was in the government, he used to lie and now out of government, he has not changed his habit of lying. He says he is the poorest ex-CM but staying in a five-star hotel in Delhi to give interview to the media. He is nakedly lying.”