To make certain that timely delivery of different services from public institutions are done, the state government has made a formal declaration about Guarantee of Services to Citizens.
The employee if is under defaulter list in providing services, will be fine Rs. 20 per day up to the maximum of Rs 500.
In a recently held meeting, as per government statement the council of ministers accepted the rules for implementing Tripura Guaranteed Services to Citizens Act 2020, aiming for in time delivery of public services which includes issuance of PRTC, Income Certificate, Caste Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Survival Certificate and Land Valuation o the citizens.
According to rules, specific timeline has to be provided by the government office for providing citizens’ services in the notice boards and the public offices will have to make sure that the service are delivered within the specified period of time, failure of which, the name of the officer/employee has to be declared and a fine will be made which will be collected by the head of the concerned office.
The Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma said that
Previously, the BJP-IPFT government had placed an Act to make the government employees accountable to the citizens as an indication of good governance and transparency in public discharge.
Dev Varma said, “We are committed to the people and government employees are meant for public service only”.