How Do You Know Your Partner Is Cheating On You?

All you sneaky “detectives” who literally belong in the FBI. Welcome to an article dedicated solely to subtle signs your partner could be cheating on you.

We see, and know that if you wanted to dig up some dirt or evidence on your partner, you probably have the means to do so. But maybe you’re just feeling slightly uneasy about something your partner is doing—or he/she just acting super suss.

How the "Other Woman" (or Man) Fares After an Affair | Psychology Today

But remember, the definition of cheating is subjective to who you ask. Some people may not consider micro-cheating an actual, legit problem, and others would consider following a new person on IG full-on cheating. Infidelity is one of the more challenging problems faced in a relationship. While many people are blindsided if and when they find out about a spouse or partner cheating, others may suspect it because of actions that are out of the norm. While everyone is different, and few signs of cheating are definitive, there are certain behaviors that, together, may back up your unfortunate hunch.

Know if your partner really cheating on you?

Changes in Your Sex Life

It is not uncommon for there to be fluctuations in the frequency of sex in your marriage. But these signs may indicate the possibility of an affair. There is considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationship.It’s like you never had a sex life with your partner ever

    They’re smiling at their phone often.

    If a dog meme isn’t the thing on their cellular device eliciting that pearly-white smile, it’s a sign they’re getting a message from someone, who isn’t you, that’s also making them supes happy & when you ask them what is it their facial expression is slightly changes.

    Sudden Change in Habits

    Your partner may change their habits for a variety of reasons. And healthy habit changes are usually a positive thing. But certain habit changes may be cause for concern. Now he/she may not say I love you more often they used to earlier, and they easily just listen to you rather correcting your wrong attitude.

    By- Monalisa Gogoi