Assam: Dhubri Court denied bail to 24 Land Brokers

All alleged land brokers who were arrested during a statewide drive against land brokers initiated following Chief Minister directives on September 21 had their bail applications rejected by a local court in Western Assam’s Dhubri.

“In view of the submissions of the learned APP, petitioners counsel, and after going into detail reading of the case-diary in hand, I am of the opinion that the sections under which the case is registered are not the final sections under which the investigating authority is bound to submit the Charge-sheet,” the court said in rejecting the bail petitions of all 24 people.

“The sections of the law are initially registered on the basis of a prima facie reading of the FIR so that a proper line of investigation can be started and necessary materials against the alleged involved persons can be gathered,” he added.

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