People with anxiety love watching horror movies it is fun for them, it’s just like a spooky habit that we enjoy the most, this habit is strong because it really helps the person with anxiety to deal with his symptoms. But have you ever thought once that why it so, why people really enjoy doing that, and how it helps to deal with the anxiety?
Horror movies provide tangible fears where they can focus their minds. For some people with anxiety, watching a horror movie is a way to confirm the many fear-inducing triggers they deal with on a regular basis.
There’s A Sense Of Control
While anxiety about everyday concerns like work, health, or relationships can be overwhelming, the sense of anxiety people experiences when watching a scary movie feels more within their power.
It Can Be A Kind Of Exposure Therapy
The controlled environment of watching a scary movie helps people with anxiety practice working with and resolving intense, uncomfortable emotions ― something many struggles to do effectively. McDonnell believes horror movies could be a useful tool in exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is a therapy that exposes clients to their feared stimuli with the idea of teaching the client they can handle the perceived threat, and that the fear is likely not as bad as they thought it would be.
It Can Be Relaxing
Though it seems counterintuitive, watching a horror movie can be relaxing. When people are in a state of anxiety, their nervous systems respond and release adrenaline to protect us against perceived danger. Our bodies prepare for danger by going into ‘flight or fight’ modes, which can include heavy breathing and an increase in heart rate. Since our bodies cannot remain in this heightened physical state forever, our systems will eventually calm us down and restore us to a more calm and balanced state.